Co-Curricular Activities
Students are encouraged to involve in several co-curricular activities which help them to improve communication skills; develop the right kind of attitude; enhance leadership qualities and abilities; manage stress levels; emerge as team players; refine interpersonal skills and develop group skills.
The University has sports and recreation facilities for badminton, volleyball, table tennis, football and cricket.

All round development of the student is the key-purpose of ICFAI University, Sikkim. Keeping this in view, the university keeps on conducting co-curricular activities providing a platform to its students to let their hidden talent come out and bloom into perfection. Co-curricular activities not only help in giving practical knowledge of a subject, but also help in carving out the best of the human being out of a delicate student. Under the system of hobby clubs, all the students of the entire university are divided as per the choice and taste of their hobby. These students are trained by the expert faculty of that club giving wings to the latent talent of the young minds. These clubs are:
- To spread awareness about environmental pollution and to reduce pollution in the University campus.
- To use different media such as short films, audio, visual and print, advertisements, hoarding, posters, seminars, workshops, competitions, meetings etc. for spreading messages concerning environment and awareness.
- To prepare and organize students participation for preservation and conservation of environment

The 8th day riverfront cleanup of Rani chu and its adjoining tributaries, jhoras and nallahs was conducted at one of the Rani Chu tributary at Khelgoan premise on 23rd May 2018. The cleanliness drive was actively participated by students, faculties and dean of ICFAI University, local panchayat and residents. The event also had presence of monitoring official from the Government of India Shri A K Das, deputy secretary from Ministry of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Additional Director (E&SC), DFO (RVP) and team in an event coordinated by ENVIS Cell of the Forest Department. A pair of dustbins was handed to the ICFAI Univeristy by the department and a rally from Khelgaon to the nearby riverfront was conducted to aware the local residents on plastic pollution. The cleanup drive was held along 1 km stretch of river banks along the khelgoan prremise. Later after the clean up drive, the dean of ICFAI University declared that the university will adopt this stream to be taken up for cleanliness drive on regular basis. This initiative was appreciated by the ministry and forest department official and was assured to fund the eco-club of the university under the National Green Corps eco club programme funded by the government of India.
Country wide 15 days Swachhta campaign under the Government's flagship programme was being observed by ICFAI University under the campaign 'Clean Campus, Green Campus' on 15 September 2018. It is to create awareness among all stakeholders for maintaining clean, green and beautiful surroundings and to improve the quality of life of people in villages adopted by ICFAI University. Our mission is to provide a clean, safe, productive and well maintained physical environment for University and Rural community. The mission aims to make everyone understand the importance of cleanliness, to bring behavioral changes among people regarding maintenance of personal hygiene, practice of healthy sanitation methods and to maintain a healthy and peaceful life. The university intends to implement several methods like proper waste management through the scientific processes, hygienic disposal, reuse and recycling of the municipal solid wastes. We also aim to strengthen the cleanliness systems in the IU Campus and adopted villages, to sensitize people about health education through awareness programmes, to produce energy and manure using bio-wastes. The University also intends to increase awareness of the effects of substance abuse, to organize Yoga, meditation sessions for holistic wellbeing and also the importance of nutrition for a healthy life style.