- We seamlessly integrate the transformative vision of the National Education Policy (NEP) with our commitment to career-oriented teaching.
- Inspired by the NEP, our pedagogy prioritizes multidisciplinary learning, experiential education, and technology integration to foster holistic development and critical thinking skills.
- Our flexible curriculum empowers students to chart their own educational journey, while our industry partnerships and skill development initiatives ensure they are equipped with the practical knowledge and professional skills needed to succeed in today's dynamic job market.
- Join us at The ICFAI University Sikkim, where we prepare students to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century and beyond.
- The education methodology adopted by the University encourages independent thinking and helps the students develop holistic perspectives, strong domain knowledge, contemporary skills- set and a positive attitude.
- The University has evolved a comprehensive student-centric learning approach consisting of several stages, designed to add significant value to the learners' understanding in an integrated manner.
- Classroom Instruction
- Courseware
- Assignments
- Computer Lab
- Soft Skills Lab
- Industrial Internship
- Projects
- Evaluation

- The goal of ICFAI University Sikkim is to deliver high-quality, outcome-based education in a comprehensive manner.
- Emphasizing multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary education for the development of students into well-rounded individuals, it provides knowledge, competencies, skills, values, and attitudes.
- Key components of Education include the Learning Outcomes Curriculum Framework (LOCF) and Evaluation Reforms mandated by the UGC.
- National and state level NEP2020 initiatives have been carefully considered and put into action to create a robust, industry-led, process-oriented, and sustainable education system.
- Graduate Attributes are well-designed and benchmarked with reputable national/international institutions/universities.
- They are based on the recommendations of Future Skills and Industry trends to identify new competencies and skills, as well as feedback from external reviewers such as industry guides, external examiners, esteemed members of the Board of Studies, and Industry Advisory Board.
- It is recorded in a comprehensive Outcome Assessment. An outcome assessment plan is a systematic, continuous evaluation process that is used to ensure that learning experiences align with the initial goals and objectives.
- This serves as a foundation for the academic unit's efficacy and ongoing quality improvement.
- An academic business unit's total performance and effectiveness across all of its operations are measured and improved through the use of an outcome assessment plan.
- The outcome assessment plan is all-inclusive and includes the subject areas such as Strategic Assessment, Student Learning Outcome Assessment, Operational Outcome Assessment and Linkage of Outcome Assessment with Strategic Planning and Budgeting
Classroom Instruction
Students receive full-time classroom instruction, which helps them learn and consolidate their understanding of the subjects.
The University provides reference books, textbooks and other related books designed for independent study in the library. In addition to physical library resources, the University also offers Digital resources with subscriptions to online libraries like JESTOR, IBISCO, SSC Online, and other open source resources. The University can help the students in procurement of text books on payment basis.
The study package also includes self evaluation assignments that help students to assess their own academic progress.
Computer Lab
Assignments related to computers will require the students to spend significant time in the lab. All students will have access to a well-equipped computer lab for their practical work in IT courses.
Soft Skills Lab
The Soft Skills training helps the students add a new personality. The core elements of methodology like peer work, group work, stimulating group discussions, mock interviews, skits, etc
Industrial Internship
Industrial internship enables students to experience the rigors of business environment and apply the concepts learnt in classroom in real life situations in organizations. For proper coordination and ensuring organized and smooth conduct, each student is placed under guidance of a faculty member.
Students are encouraged to pursue live projects to enhance their learning by applying theoretical concepts to real life situations in the corporate world or at any other work place. This is under the guidance of experienced and well versed faculty members to ensure proper focus and implementation.
Student performance in each course will be assessed by means of continuous evaluation. Students will be evaluated on the basis of assignments, seminars, projects and tests.