Seminars & Workshops
- Motivational workshop on Corporate Peace was organized at Hotel Ramada, Gangtok, on 20th January 2023. The workshop was organized by International Leadership and Peace Academy. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr Jagannath Patnaik, ICFAI University Sikkim was invited as a Special Guest.
- Workshop on Skills of Research Writing was organized by the Program Convener Dr. Amit Singh of the ICFAI University, Sikkim on 18th Feb 2023. Dr. Rajesh Raj S.N. was the Resource Person who is a recipient of the Dr. VKRV Rao Prize in Economics for the year 2014 by the ISEC (Institute for Social and Economic Change), Bengaluru and ICSSR.
- Seminar on Ecological Traditions of Sikkim attended by students and faculty of the University on 27th February 2023 at Forest Department, GoS.

Workshop on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace was conducted on the 3rd May 2022 at the University campus. The Keynote Speaker was Ms. Zola Megi, Panel Advocate, Sikkim State Legal Service Authority
Workshop on Digital Banking was organized by the RBI Officials at the University Campus.
Workshop on Moot Court competition was organized by the School of Legal Studies on 3rd June 2022 at The University Campus. Advocate, Kazi Sangay Thupden was the Resource Person of the workshop.
Workshop on Mooting Skills was organized with Resource Person Advocate, Kazi Sangay Thupden on the 8th June 2022.
Workshop on Pranic Healing was conducted by Ms. Shreya Agarwal and team from Pranic healing on 08th June 2022. The team sensitised on the stress management, balancing the body’s energy processes, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes.
Lecture session on Litigation and Judicial services and course work by Hon’ble Judicial member Income Tax Appellate Tribunal Justice Shri Chandra Mohan Garg organized on 9th September 2022.
Guest lecture session by Mr. Shajan Samuel of CRO Safalta organised on the 2nd November 2022.
Guest lecture session by Dr. Deepan Pandey organised by the School of Legal studies on the topic “Basic Legal Rights” on 15th November 2022.
Workshop on Legal Awareness programme on the topic “Fundamental Duties, That are enshrined in Chapter IV-A of the Indian Constitution” organised in collaboration with Sikkim State Legal Services Authority (SSLSA) on 28th November 2022.
Awareness programme and Essay Competition on Fundamental Duties was organised by the University in association with District Legal Services Authority, Gangtok on 1st December 2022.
- Special Guest for the National Workshop on "How To Write a Research Paper" (07/2021).
- Participant as keynote speaker on International Virtual tech Talk Energy Society Of India (07/2021).
- Participant in the International Virtual Tutorial on “ Hydrogen Lightweight of Periodic Table Plays Big Role In Life On Earth” (02/2021).
- Participant In The International Virtual Tutorial on “ Cyber security And Phasor Measurement Unit(PMU) For Renewable Energy Applications” (11/2020).
- Participant in The Webinar “Electrical Engineering Yesterday Today &Tomorrow: The Key areas Of Research” (08/2020).
- Participant in The Awareness On Mental Health &Impact Of Covid On Students (06/2021).
- Participant In Webinar On “Island Innovation In India” (09/2020) Participant In Webinar “national Education Policy 2020” (09/2020).
- Participant In Webinar “Research And Practiced In Humanities & Social Sciences” (04/2021).
- Participant In Webinar” Financial Empowerment – A Tool For Prosperity” (08/2021)
- Participant In Webinar On “Role Of Alumni association In The Development Of Alma Mater And Nation Building” (07/2021).
- Participant In webinar On “Shortage Of Quality faculty and Rigorous Training” (07/2021).
- Participant In webinar On Se sensible Inputs During The Awareness On Mental health and impact of covid On students (06/2021).
- Resource Person for the Webinar On “World Nature Conversation Day” (07/2021).
- Resource Person for the One Day Workshop On "NAAC Related Quality Enhancement Techniques" (07/2021).
- Participant of the International Webinar on "Advanced Research Methodology Tools And Techniques" (07/2021).
- Participant of the Webinar on Special Day “International Plastic Bag Fee Day” (Say “No” To Plastic) (07/2021).
- Guest of Honor for the One Day Workshop On "NAAC Related Quality Enhancement Techniques" (07/2021).
- Resource Person for the Webinar on” National Education Policy 2020′′ (05/2021).
- Special Guest for the Webinar On "National Education Policy 2020: A Roadmap to Higher Education" (03/2021).
- Special Guest for the Webinar On "How to write a Good Research Paper" (03/2021) Participant of the Webinar on "Digital Commerce Importance and Requirements in Current Scenario" (01/2021).
- Participant of the Workshop on “Challenges and Solutions for Providing Sufficient and Good Quality Water during Pandemic Corona” (01/2021).
- Guest of Honor for the Workshop On “How to your Improve API Score” (IWAPI-2020) (12/2020).
- Special Guest for the Workshop On "Migration V/s Reverse Migration: A Ground Reality" (11/2020).
- Special Guest for the workshop on "Teaching, Learning, and Assessment using ICT Tools" (IW-ICT2020) (10/2020).
- Special Guest for “UGC-NAAC Revised Accreditation Process" (UGC-NAAC-2020) (08/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on "Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" (IWPAIH-2020) (07/2020).
- Guest of Honor for the training program on "Soft Skills for Students, Teachers, and Employers" (IWSTE-2020) (07/2020).
- Guest of Honor for the workshop on "Issues and challenges for economic reform during the recent global crisis" (IWEGC- 2020) (06/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on "Crime Against Women & their Security" (IW-CAW20) (06/2020).
- Special Guest of Online International Webinar on “Li+ ion batteries: An Emerging Interdisciplinary Area of Research” (IWLB- 2020) (06/2020).
- Participant of the International Workshop on “Indexing and Impact Factors. How to reduce Plagiarism in Research paper.” (IWIIF-Plagiarism-2020) (06/2020).
- Special Guest for the International Workshop on “Writing Research paper using suitable and advanced tools eg. SPSS, Latex, according to Research paper topic” (IWWRP-2020) (06/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Fitness Career Counseling and supplement talks by ICFAI University Sikkim (2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Webinar on Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis School of IT, The ICFAI University, Sikkim (2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Webinar on Career Prospects and Opportunities in Hospitality and Tourism Management at School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (2021).
- Participant of the workshop on Machine Learning with Python School of IT, The ICFAI University, Sikkim.
- Participant of the workshop on Meynard Keynes talking economics in the time of pandemic. (05/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Webinar on Effective Teaching methodology: Post Covid 19 Challenges at ICFAI University (05/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Webinar on Reskilling and up skilling during the covid 19 pandemic, opportunities in the post pandemic span ICFAI University Sikkim (05/2020) Participant of the workshop on Webinar on data and privacy on cyber space at School of Legal Studies The ICFAI University, Sikkim (05/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Webinar on Indian economy after covid-19 and its revival strategy at School of Information Technology The ICFAI University, Sikkim (05/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Webinar on career prospects and opportunities in information technology at School of Information Technology The ICFAI University, Sikkim (06/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on National webinar on WorldEnvironment Day “Role of Youth in Biodiversity Conservation and Combating the Climate change” at School of Information Technology The ICFAI University, Sikkim (06/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Webinar on angular js at School of Information Technology The ICFAI University, Sikkim (06/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Career prospects in social science and humanities at School of Humanities and Social Sciences The ICFAI University Sikkim (06/2020).
- Participant of the workshop on Indian Constitution: with special reference to ARTICLE 21 at School of Legal Studies The ICFAI University (06/2020).
- Eminent Panelist of the webinar conducted on the topic of “Preparation to post Covid assumption of Education Institutions” on 24th May 2020 by International organization for Educational Development, New Delhi.
- Eminent Panellist of the webinar conducted on the topic of “ Virtual Education” on 10th May 2020 by International organization for Educational Development, New Delhi.
Ms. Manisha Chettri (BBA LL.B-IV) and Mr. IndraSapkota( BBA LL.B-IV) participated in the 3rd Regional Conference of Family Court Matters for North Eastern States; Sikkim, Odisha and West Bengal at Hotel Lemon Tree, Gangtok East Sikkim.
On 8/10/17, a Law Seminar was organized by School of Legal Studies, IUS. The seminar was attended by BBA LL.B Semester-IX students on various legal topics. The topics presented by the students were
- Protection of Children from Sexual OffenceAct (POCSO)
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Bhutan: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Bhutan is regulated by National Legal Services Authority of Bhutan
- 371F of Indian Constitution: Special Provision for State of Sikkim
- Free Legal Aid
- Triple Talaq
- White Collar Crime (WCC
- Human Trafficking
- Domestic violence
- 3rd Regional Conference of Family Court
Ms. Manisha Chettri (BBA LL.B-IV) and Mr. IndraSapkota( BBA LL.B-IV) participated in the 3rd Regional Conference of Family Court Matters for North Eastern States; Sikkim, Odisha and West Bengal at Hotel Lemon Tree, Gangtok East Sikkim.
On 10/12/17, Students of School of Legal Studies, IUS, attended an interactive session with Hon'ble Justice Mr.Kurian Joseph, Judge, Supreme Court of India at the Auditorium of High Court of Sikkim, Gangtok.
On 13th November, 2017, BHM-V Semester students under the guidance of Ms. AnugrahSaharaja, Soft Skills Trainer, IUS organized an Outreach Program in Serenity Home (Information Research & Treatment on Chemical Dependency).
The day started with a friendly football match and 'A passing the ball' match between Serenity Home inmates& the IUS students. Thereafter, the students presented cultural activities, Role Play on HABITS, motivational speeches and interacted with the inmates. The inmates from serenity also shared their past experiences and presented a group song.The students also cooked a sumptuous meal for the inmates using firewood. The program was organized as a part of evaluation component for the subject 'Personality Development'. The program intended to train the students in organizational skill, team work, public speaking and making a difference in the lives of the socially outcaste.
Sl.No. | Faculty Name | Name of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop | Venue |
1 | Mr. Ajit Karki | International Conference in Engineering & Technology. | Chennai |
2 | Mr. Ajit Karki | "Made in China" to "Make in India": A Multi-Disciplinary Conspectus | Gangtok |
3 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | "Made in China" to "Make in India": A Multi-Disciplinary Conspectus | Gangtok |
4 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | Business and Mangement: Changing Dynamics | Gangtok |
5 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | State Level Seminar on Union Budget and Investor Awareness Programme | Gangtok |
6 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | "North-East India" since 1947: Society. Polity and Economy with Special reference to Sikkim | Gangtok |
7 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | 9th Annual Advanced Graduate Workshop (AGW) on Poverty, Development and Globalization | Bangaluru |
8 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | Two Day Workshop on Advanced Research Method & Statistics | Gangtok |
9 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | One Hundred years of Champaran | Gangtok |
10 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | 59th ISLE Annual Conference | Thiruvananthapuram |
11 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | GST: Economic, Legal & Technological Dimensions | Gangtok |
12 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | National Seminar on Environmental Sustainability, Social Well-Being and Economic Growth : Exploring the Linkages | Vadodara |
13 | Mr. Nyima Tenzing | Seven Day Workshop on Applied Econometrics | Gangtok |